deepavali money,I just give to my friend only,I put inside not too much because my budget is out :p
the colorful of indian house during deepavali open house
indian food,I like it...
my friend aka my junior,the owner....
the owner friend
lights up....
some muruku and biscuit...oishi....
my junior cover her face when I taiking her picture...
firecracker is ready to burn
my friend and her son and her little sister
we waiting....
and wait...
ready to burn.sorry,the picture during firecracker on burning is not very nice when I taking...
at last is finish and also is too noise and too loud...
oh,we got something after he burn...i wonder whats is that...
the floor is too messy...
I got some deepavali money from my friend,my senior and also my boss...
when i thinking,deepavali this year is batter than last year.but i really miss muruku.too delicious,I want some more...okay,thats it...ja neh...
wahh meriah kot kaler2.. haha... dh nama pon pesta cahaya... haha... bestnyee.. thn ni i xdpt makan marukku... mmber india semua jauh2 ... err..