Sunday, 27 November 2011

feel isolated (隔離された)

When i was online on facebook.sometimes i look all my friend status,and sometimes I reply their status.sorry to say,depend on my mood.and sometimes their status I just click "like"button only.when any festive seasons or something,I always upload the picture and tag someones to wish them or something.some of them "like" the picture only and some of them reply my wish or something.but some people ignore,i really dun know why those people ignore what they tag for them.they like your status and also your picture,but they tag picture and also upload their status and tag you,why you not reply it...they annoying to you...if you really hate them,just tell the truth,thats all...if you don't like this people and want to delete his/her facebook on you profile,just say sorry to them,I always do that if I really don't know those people adding me without any mutual friend...I not approve 100% if people I didn't know....

sometimes I really disappointed some of my facebook friend especially a cosplayer and also some from -tut- forum.sometimes i feel happy i got a new friend.but after few weeks or month,they ignoring us.when we try to contact them,people like us so disappointed.they never reply our massage and so on.we not annoying you.but you never reply our massage.whats wrong of you...if other tag you and also upload their status and tag like and reply.but when I upload picture and tag ignore me.when I try send massage,you didn't reply.I really disappointed of you...if you don't become my friend,tell me truth.maybe I can reject you on my facebook.

thats it of my anger of some my friend on facebook...sorry if someoens feel what i'm saying.if you 100% feel what I say,think it what have you done....ja neh....

Sunday, 6 November 2011

happy eid adha!(おめでとうございます!)

To all my family,friends and all muslim.I wish all a HAPPY EID ADHA...may god bless you...celebrate eid adha with more happiness,thankful to Allah and more prosperity in our family and also world...

Wednesday, 2 November 2011

deepavali 2011 (2011ディーパバリ)

saturday last week,I go my indian friend deepavali open house.last year I go,and this year also I go.most I love during deepavali is their food.i like muruku and so on during deepavali.and during deepavali,lots of noises coming from because they burn firecracker and also fireworks during deepavali,is like in war.lots of noises of firecracker and also fireworks,is batter than eid few months ago.

deepavali money,I just give to my friend only,I put inside not too much because my budget is out :p

the colorful of indian house during deepavali open house 

indian food,I like it...

my friend aka my junior,the owner....

the owner friend

lights up....

some muruku and biscuit...oishi....

my junior cover her face when I taiking her picture...

firecracker is ready to burn

my friend and her son and her little sister

we waiting....

and wait...

ready to burn.sorry,the picture during firecracker on burning is not very nice when I taking...

at last is finish and also is too noise and too loud...

oh,we got something after he burn...i wonder whats is that...

the floor is too messy...

I got some deepavali money from my friend,my senior and also my boss...

when i thinking,deepavali this year is batter than last year.but i really miss muruku.too delicious,I want some more...okay,thats it...ja neh...

letter from japan(日本からの手紙)

few days ago,I receive my letter.this letter from Osaka,Japan.When I look at the back,I say "this from Masa..."sorry I have to short the writing name.because of privacy...and also my full name and also my address....

I'm the receiver 

he give me something...arigatou...

prince of tennis merchandise 

5 yen coin

few months ago,I send him a letter+some duit raya.I use local money because I freaking busy these day I'm I'm quit from job and continue study in diploma...thanks my friend to reply it.I understand what he said to me because he struggle on public exam.he said to me that "this exam is not easy to pass,and also is very hard to entry the university."yeah,same like our country SPM examination.lastly,I chat with him because he never open facebook these day because he must study hard on exam...well,masa...gambate!oh forgot,thanks for the letter...