Saturday 2 July 2011

Be Patient....(患者である...) patient....that word always we hear when we have some problem and unexpected thing happen...
sometime we always sad,angry or negative expression...people will say "Be patient"or"cool down"and so on to us if we have bad expression...

when my friend are mad or sadness,I will say to my friend "Be patient,maybe this is test from god.Relax..."I will keep and keep trying to help them in what situation they problem...I really feel sorry and sadness when I hear people problem...

we as his/her friend...try to communicate very nicely and let his/her expression is release...and try to help him/her,at least he/she can tell you what he/she problem...if something you can't help...try to talk him/her very nice.Don't disappointed them,it make more sadness and angry them....try to make them happy and try to forgot their sadness and angry....we as a friend...try to understand them....and help them if any problem they have...and also try to be his/her counsellor and give a simple counselling  to him/her....that's all....arigatou....

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