Saturday, 23 July 2011

What friends are busy ... which is so important? (友達と忙しいが...どれが重要なのでしょうか?)

Sometimes all our life we need a friend.As his or her friend,they should cheer up to us,helping and so on...
But what happen if your friend are busy in their life?Sometimes busy time is unexpected things going on in their life.Yeah, sometimes we understand our friend must do something is really x2 important in their life...but at least as our friend.They should say to their friend "Hey,I'm sorry.I'm too busy.Maybe next time we chat or meet somewhere."Should his or her friend say to us to let know about this.

But,sometimes our friend ignoring our massage or so on.That we think he or she too busy without spending time with us.This situations is too dangerous...we make them too pressure until they mad to us because we are too annoying...sometimes not our fault but his or her fault because ignoring their massage and so on...if this situation is not solve might be make our friendship is over and more than that...

The conclusion is as their friend.They should spend the time to chat with them at least they not worrying about them,if they too busy.Try to talk with them for a while until their work is done...and we must understand about his or her live because our live and their live is we must understand their live and also they should understand about our live...ok,hopefully your friendship with them still keep in touch....ja,ne...mata ashita.... 

Friday, 8 July 2011

Good Bye,Tomoya Okazaki(さようなら、智也岡崎)

Just now I communicate with my friend in USA at Skype,I ask his friend since I never contact with him,I know him at Facebook.And I got a sad news from my friend in Skype,he said he passed away because of Acute Radiation Syndrome (ARS),he one of victim of tsunami and earthquake in Japan.His name on this picture is Tomoya Okazaki,He from Setagaya-ku, Tokyo, Japan. He born on 17 July.He passed away afternoon on 28 April 2011.And now his death news today,I didn't know he die when I study at Kuala Kangsar,Perak Darul Ridzuan.I really too sad because he die too younger...maybe god love him...I accepted this news as a fate...may he soul  live in heaven in peacefully....RIP....

Monday, 4 July 2011

so scared(怖い)

I like watch paranormal show like ghost adventure,ghost hunter and also ghost hunter international.they are lots activity paranormal going on...when I watch ghost adventure seasons 4 episode 13.This place is truly 100% hunted.That place is murder one family during they sleep,the murder still not found and their cases is close.Until now they soul not rest in peace....that place is  Villisca, Iowa in US.Watch this video....this video from "Scariest Places On Earth"...

This EVP at that house (but not this show)...
If you want watch "Ghost Adventure Seasons 4 Episode 13"watch at
(PS:PG and to women pregnant,heart attack problems and so on.Don't watch....) 

Saturday, 2 July 2011

Be Patient....(患者である...) patient....that word always we hear when we have some problem and unexpected thing happen...
sometime we always sad,angry or negative expression...people will say "Be patient"or"cool down"and so on to us if we have bad expression...

when my friend are mad or sadness,I will say to my friend "Be patient,maybe this is test from god.Relax..."I will keep and keep trying to help them in what situation they problem...I really feel sorry and sadness when I hear people problem...

we as his/her friend...try to communicate very nicely and let his/her expression is release...and try to help him/her,at least he/she can tell you what he/she problem...if something you can't help...try to talk him/her very nice.Don't disappointed them,it make more sadness and angry them....try to make them happy and try to forgot their sadness and angry....we as a friend...try to understand them....and help them if any problem they have...and also try to be his/her counsellor and give a simple counselling  to him/her....that's all....arigatou....

Friday, 1 July 2011

What I Most Hate And Boring...(どのようなほとんどの私が嫌いと私の人生であまりにも退屈な...)

Everyday news about politic and racist and bla bla bla...disturbing peaceful country...gosh,please stop...I don't want to hear that....

I'm too tried and too boring hear about this....I want live in country in peaceful and harmony and other races. I don't understand why they do that?Because of selfish?Others....please x3 don't do this....we want live in peace...onegai....please and please,don't do that to our country...I didn't support any politic,but as a Malaysian people...we want live in peace....please....onegai...